January 15, 2012


Today I added a feedback section to my BigCartel shop! I think it's very important to receive feedback from my customers so that I can improve my shop and my patterns.

The button is now on my shop's sidebar as well as in every shop e-mail as a FEEDBACK link. It also shows a link to feedback from my old Etsy shop which I hope helps to relieve doubts about purchasing that first pattern.

Now I'm asking for your help :o) If you have purchased a PatchworkPottery pattern and would like to leave feedback, please click on the image below. Right now I have no feedback for my 355 sales in my BigCartel shop.

I can't wait to hear about your shopping experience. I want to know if the pattern was easy to print & assemble, instructions easy to follow & if there any mistakes no matter how small. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

Enjoy your afternoon tea & quilted crafts :o)

January 5, 2012

Mosaic & Magic

I made this mosaic today showing some of the things that I posted on flickr in 2011. I can't say I made it all in 2011 because patterns published in books take about a year before you can tell anyone!

Today was a wonderful sunny day that was too warm for a scarf. It reminded me of a little quilt I made in August 2010 that I totally forgot about! I called it "Sunny Day Neighbourhood" and it started out as a Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild challenge to use leftover triangles from a flying geese block...

I just can't get enough of these cute little houses and the fun loopy quilting...

And yes..."neighbourhood" is spelled the Canadian way. My blogger preview window doesn't like it ;o)

Yesterday, I received a lovely e-mail from one of my fans in the Ukraine..."Hello Laurraine, Looked at your work and simply fell in love with each one. Do you have a magic wand? This is something unreal! You are an extraordinary person with special hands and creative head. Good luck to you." I thought it was quite hilarious because there just happened to be a magic wand in my studio at the time!

Claire asked Santa Claus for a real magic wand... not those plastic sparkly light-up ones which are obviously just toys... a real wand... a wood wand. She was absolutely thrilled to find this amazing wand in her stocking Christmas morning. She makes sure that everyone knows it is made from "100% wood" which is apparently a VERY important detail! Oh... and apparently it works!

Enjoy your afternoon tea & quilted crafts :o)